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Lettuce Red Salad Bowl is a loose-leaf open-hearted variety (lots of individual leaves) with red frilled leaves. It grows to a height of 15cm and as its name suggests it looks great and is well suited to growing in a container. It is easy & quick to grow.

Lettuce Red Salad Bowl should be picked or snipped a few leaves at a time as this will encourage further new growth and ensure a longer cropping period. It is very heat tolerant so is slow to bolt.

Lettuce Red Salad Bow can be picked at the baby leaf stage or left to mature, an easy and quick to grow lettuce leaf.

Lettuce Red Salad Bowl Vegetable Seed Information

Seed Quantity:Approx 1,100 seeds per pack.

Prefers well-drained, moist rich soil. Grows very well in containers.

When to Sow:

March to July.

How to Sow:

Sow thinly in pots or in a prepared bed and lightly cover with 1cm of fine soil & carefully water. Seedlings appear 6-12 days. When large enough to handle thin seedlings to one every 5cm apart. For continuous crops sow every 2-3 weeks.


Keep moist especially during dry periods. Pick regularly to ensure new lettuce leaf growth over along time.

Harvest:May to October.

Lettuce Red Salad Bowl (Loose Leaf) Seeds (AGM)



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