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Kale Dwarf Green Curled is one of the most beautiful Kale we grow. A Heritage variety introduced before 1865. This compact curly Kale is ideal for growing in windswept gardens or on poor soils. Kale 'Dwarf Green Curled' produces attractive, dark, tightly frilled leaves of excellent quality. Like all Kale, this variety is exceptionally hardy, standing well in the harshest of weather.

Often a neglected crop, but one that is increasing in popularity due to its nutritional properties. Kale (also known as borecole) tolerates cold weather better than most other brassicas and is relatively free of pests and diseases, although it should be netted against birds. It will also tolerate a lightly shaded position. Always pick the leaves when they are young and tender.

Now well accepted as a so-called “superfood” due to the many health benefits from its very high nutritional value, Kale has enjoyed a surge in popularity as a great way to improve the diet.

Kale Dwarf Green Curled Seed Information

Seed Quantity:Approx 340 seeds per pack.

For mature plants direct sow into a well prepared seedbed 10mm deep in rows 25cm apart. Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle, approx. 5 weeks after sowing. Replant at a slightly deeper depth, 60cm apart.

When to Sow:

March to August indoors
Sow direct from mid April 

How to Sow:

Once transplanted keep well watered. Cover with netting or fleece to prevent bird or insect attacks. Requires little attention.


Prefers rich firm soil with plenty of well rotted manure dug in. Apply lime to acid soils to reduce the acidity. Pinch out centre stem to encourage side shoots to develop.

Harvest:November - February 
Can be harvested as young leaves as cut and come again. Can be left in the ground throughout winter until required. Flavour improves after it has been frosted.

Kale Dwarf Green Curled Seeds



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