What are Whiteflies?
Whitefly are sapsuckers of plants and can consume huge amounts of sap if they are left untreated. Much of this sap contains sugar and is excreted back onto plants by the Whitefly as honeydew, which sooty moulds will grow on. Plant growth can be stunted, or slowed, when Whiteflies are present in large numbers. Leaves will also wilt or drop if the Whitefly remain present. Produce, such as Tomatoes, can be soiled and left with sticky deposits. Whitefly can also transmit plant viruses from plant to plant. The most common Whitefly species that attacks indoor grown plants is the Glasshouse Whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum). There is is another species of Whitefly that can be found on outdoor produce, such as Cabbages, which is called Brassica Whitefly (Aleyrodes prolletella).
What are Amblyseius andersoni mites and how can they help?
Amblyseius andersoni is a predatory mite that feeds on several pests, including Whitefly eggs, Spider Mite eggs and adults. It is a native predator to the UK and can be applied indoors and outdoors.
This andersoni is active in a wider range of temperatures, and can be applied in lower temperatures than can be withstood by other Whitefly Killer predators.
Amblyseius andersoni is the perfect preventative treatment for Glasshouse Whitefly infestations in greenhouses and is also effective against a different species of Whitefly; the Brassica Whitefly, which is often identified on outdoor plantings.
The andersoni can also be used in conjunction with the Encarsia, a combined treatment we highly recommend for severe Whitefly infestations. For such severe and high numbers of Glasshouse Whitefly infestations in warm conditions; we always reccomend introduction of the Encarsia formosa parasitic wasps that can be found here.
Where should I use the andersoni mites?
We advise using Amblyseius andersoni against Whitefly on indoor and outdoor plants. The andersoni also feed on pollen and this means that they can be applied to plants before, or soon after, Whitefly is first observed on plants. This can aid earlier control of Whitefly populations and reduce risk of sustained pest damage by combating the Whitefly early in its life cycle.
What conditions do the andersoni mites require?
Amblyseius andersoni are active at temperatures ranging from 6℃ - 40℃. This enables the introduction of these predators in a variety of environments, earlier in the year, and in lower temperature environments than required by Encarsia formosaWasps, for example.
How do I apply these predators from the bottle?
Ensure the andersoni are released and distributed over the plants you wish to protect from Whitefly infestations.
The andersoni are supplied in shaker bottles, so you can apply the predators by rotating the bottle and gently shaking the contents directly onto the leaves of the plants.
Amblyseius andersoni can also be applied using our Dragonfli Distribution Boxes, which will be more effective for larger plants. Distribute the shaker bottle contents into your boxes and hang them on the stems or leaves of your plants. The boxes act as small breeding sites for the predators and they will then proceed to exit the boxes and move around the plants.
Repeat applications may be required to maintain andersoni populations, or if the Whitefly numbers were high when the predators were first applied. To maintain consistent population levels early in the season ensure to repeat applications every two weeks.
Full instructions are provided on delivery.
Can I store the andersoni mites?
We advise using andersoni straight away upon delivery. This ensures best results as the Mites will be fresh.
Chemical Pesticides
Amblyseius andersoni is a living creature and can be affected by any chemical pesticides used within the previous few weeks. As a general guide, refrain from using Pyrethrum or SB Plant Invigorator 2 days prior to use. Other chemicals insecticides can have long lasting residues that could harm andersoni and other predatory mites for much longer periods. Refrain from using these products or check with Dragonfli for information on the effect of these products on the predatory mites.
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