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Pak Choi is an unusual all year round veg that is becoming ever more popular with its use in oriental stir-fries and salads, it has a mild cabbage flavour.

Pak Choi Yuushou is a green leaved variety that is great for overwintering as well as for maincrop sowing. (Green stemmed varieties have more flavour than the white stem ones). It is very quick to crop (3-6 weeks), easy to grow and slow to bolt - a little star.

It can be treated as a 'cut and come again' crop i.e. harvesting a few leaves at a time or the whole head can be lifted entirely or cut 2.5cm above ground level and left to re-sprout.

Growing Tip!
If you notice any of your pak choi plants producing broccoli-like florets, don't panic. You can still eat them. In fact, they are great tossed in a stir fry. You can also try cutting the pak choi as a cut-and-come again for another harvest in a few weeks. Just cut them off approx 3cm above the base and they should re-grow.


Pak Choi Yuushou Vegetable Seed Information

Seed Quantity:Approx 150 seeds per pack.

A sunny, fertile but well prepared bed (its part of the brassica family). Can be sown in containers too.

When to SowSpring/Summer sowing: March to August. Autumn sowing: September to October.
How to Sow:

Sow seed thinly 1.5cm deep in rows 30-40cms apart. The wider distance is used for semi-mature to whole head production, the closer distance is suitable for 'cut & come again'/baby leaf production. Autumn sown ones should be sown in greenhouses / polytunnels either in the soil/containers or even grow bags and kept protected in cold spells.


Thin row to 7.5-10cm for baby leaf, 20cm for semi-mature & 25cm for whole heads. To help prevent bolting pick leaves regularly, water well and keep weed free. Thinnings can be eaten.

Harvest:3-6 weeks as cut & come again/babyleaf or 6-8 weeks for whole head production.

Pak Choi Yuushou F1 Seeds



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