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Pea Meteor (First Early)(Pisum Sativum) is one of the earliest peas for harvesting. Ideal for growing in the garden and exposed areas, as an October - November sown crop. This superb first early, round seeded variety produces an abundance of small, but well-filled pods. A superb pea for your first harvest of the season, and with a better flavour than the old variety 'Feltham First'. Can also be sown in the spring. It is very winter hardy and suitable for both spring and autumn sowing, producing an abundance of small, well-filled pods.

It can be sown in Autumn/Winter (October - November) and this will produce one of the earliest pea crops (early May onwards). Pea Meteor is winter hardy but will benefit from added protection in very cold winters to protect new shoots.

It can be sown later (from March to April) to give good successional sowing and later crops (May to October). Water well when flowering and pick regularly to encourage further pods.

Pea Meteor makes an excellent variety for containers and pots as it only grows to a height of 45cm.

Did you know...
Round Pea seeds, like Pea Meteor, provide nowhere for rain/water to collect and will therefore not rot, hence why it is suitable for sowing in Autumn/Winter. Whereas Pea seeds that are wrinkled will harbour rain/water, making them only suitable for sowing in drier months such as spring.

If you want to extend your pea cropping season then look to sow in 3 stages, for example:



Top Tip
If you want to boost your harvests then intersow with Birdsfoot Trefoil...why?
Read our blog HERE for further information.


Pea Meteor Vegetable Seed Information

Seed Quantity:Approx 200 seeds per pack.

Free draining, moisture retentive soil and an open sunny position.

When to SowAutumn sowing: mid October to November. Spring/Summer sowing: March - April
How to Sow:

Dig a shallow trench about 2.5cm deep and 15cm wide. Sow 3 rows of seeds about 4cm apart in each direction. Push lightly into soil and rake the soil carefully back over and gently firm. Allow 45cm between rows. Seeds germinate 7-10 days. For overwintering crops either sow outside but give added protection with cloche or sow in greenhouse and transplant when strong enough but still protect in cold weather.


Pick 2/3 times a week to ensure formation of more pods. Keep soil moist & weed free.

Harvest:Late May (for Autumn sown) to October.

Pea Meteor Seeds



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