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Pea Sugar Snap Delikett is an edible-podded pea that is crunchy, juicy & tastes super sweet and is a splendid variety of snap pea, a dwarf plant with a compact plant habit. Delikett produces in clusters of two a generous number of dark green, cylindrical pods that can be harvested over a longer period of time. These are stringless at the edible stage and are delicious, pods can reach up to 8cm long but are best eaten young, either raw, steamed or stir-fried.

Sugar Snap peas also grow the quickest and tastiest 'pea tips'. These are the side & growing shoots and are tastiest before the tendrils uncurl - lovely in salads or stir-fries. They have that lovely sweet pea taste.

Don't harvest too many as they will begin to stop growing and therefore reduce your crop. (You could always sow a few extra seeds in a deep tray and harvest the tips when they reach 5cm - a little gourmet treat for your salad. You can get about 3 harvests from your pea tips.)

If you've missed harvesting them early enough allow the pods to grow on and the peas can then be eaten too! A very versatile pea!



Top Tip
If you want to boost your harvests then intersow with Birdsfoot Trefoil...why?
Read our blog HERE for further information.


Pea Sugar Snap Delikett Vegetable Seed Information

Seed Quantity:Approx 200 seeds per pack.

Free-draining, moisture-retentive soil in an open sunny position.

When to Sow

February to June

How to Sow:

Dig a shallow trench about 5cm deep and 15cm wide. Sow 3 rows of seeds about 4cm apart in each direction. Push lightly into the soil and rake the soil carefully back over and gently firm. Allow 60cm between the rows. Seeds germinate in 7-10 days. It is best to wait until the soil has warmed up as the pea seed can rot in cold soil. (Seeds can also be sown into root-trainers/modules and grown on in greenhouse and transplanted outside when 5cm tall and the soil has warmed up).


Train peas up & over canes and netting if used as plants can reach between 1.2m to 1.8m high. Pick 2/3 times a week to ensure formation of more pods. Keep soil moist & weed free.

Harvest:May to August.

Pea Sugar Snap Delikett Seeds (AGM)



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